My Millennial Baby
Thirteen years ago, a little bundle of hope, joy and sweetness entered my life. I remember holding you in my arms and feeling more love than I could ever have thought possible. Today, Friday December 13, 2013 you turn 13 years old and I look at you and feel a new kind of love. My love for you has grown so deep over these past thirteen years as I have watched you blossom into this beautiful young lady. I remember September 11, 2001, you were sitting in your high chair as I fed you apple sauce. The images on the tv of planes crashing into the towers as I slipped a spoonful of apple sauce into your little mouth are still scorched in my memory. I remember the conversations at gatherings of war and weapons of mass destruction as you played with toys at my feet. You were so small yet already had such huge responsibility resting on your shoulders. You entered this beautiful world, at the right time, this I am most certain. I remember writing a journal entry after 911, the topics; questions and curiosity. There were so many good people asking thoughtful questions about the why’s and the what’s next and the bigger picture of 911, war, conflict and peace keeping. How could I, a novice, a new Mom ensure that I fostered a sense of wonder, curiosity, reflection and compassion in you? How would I protect you and teach you to think of others, be humble, learn from failure, take risks, dream big and always, always strive.
I know now, that you my dear girl, you came with these qualities. I have, and I will always do my very best to nurture all of the beauty, talent and love that I see so abundant in you. It is you however who teaches me how to be more compassionate, how to LOL without care, how to dance to music that just begs you to move and how to listen more than I talk. You remind me daily by your own resilience and your humble nature that when I fail, which as a parent I do often, I must get right back out there! You show me, daily, with your hugs at night and smiles when you walk through the door, that your love is unconditional. I want all children and all people to feel such love.
In the last thirteen years we have seen war’s, natural and man made disasters, political embarrassment in our own Country and many, many others. In thirteen years we have also seen a revolutionary wave of protests, demonstrations and people who have shown us that votes and voices DO count. You my dear child were born at exactly the right time. You bring what this world so desperately needs more of; compassion, love, reflection, wise and sober thought and a true belief that we are all one on this big beautiful earth.
So on this very special Friday, the thirteenth of December, 2013 I wish you the happiest of birthday’s and I thank you for being who you are.
Be brave, be fierce, be compassionate, learn from failure, laugh daily, and be kind to yourself because YOU are one special young lady!
With love and admiration always,
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